Spread the word

Spread the word

Local resilience forum partners

Can you help us share the word through your work with businesses and communities? Download the email signature and promote the resource through your networks and engagement. You can reach out to your LRF Secretariat team to find out more.


Can you help us by talking to other businesses about the resource or highlighting in through the free downloadable items. We will happily come and talk to business networks about preparedness and Yorkshire Ready Together, just contact us via the form.  


Please share the chat with your friends, family and neighbours. Every bit of preparation helps us respond and recover from major emergencies, significantly reducing impacts on our wellbeing and costs.

Community groups

Can you help us by sharing the resource with other groups or wider in your community. You can use the free downloadable items. There is a communication template to use in newsletters, distribution emails and meeting agenda items as well as printable materials. We will happily come and talk to community groups about preparedness and Yorkshire Ready Together, just contact us via the form.  

Elected positions

Can you help us by sharing the resource with your constituents and those you represent. You can use the free downloadable items. There is a communication template to use in newsletters, distribution emails and meeting agenda items. If you need to speak to someone just contact us via the form located HERE.